Sunday, December 22, 2013

Race Report: Just happy when I'm running

Today was the HoHoHo 5k race.  It's a very popular holiday race here on Long Island.  There were 1265 entrants! Tons of people wearing festive holiday gear.  I added some LED light up earrings and red gloves.  When the race started I was walking out of necessity.....there was a huge throng of people and no where to go!!  I got off to a good start once the race for me began in earnest.  Today I also decided to wear my lighter racing shoes as the weather was pretty good probably hi 40's.  I was at a nice pace right off the top and not really huffin and puffin at all.  I check my time the first mile: aprox. 8:49 m/m.  Nice! I was pleased and made a plan to try and keep that pace as long as possible.  Mile 2: 17:45....still going ok.  Then about the last 1/2 mile I noticed I started to 'drag.'  I was slowing down a bit......I hit the 3 mile marker at 27:00 flat and decided I was NOT going to let that timer go past 28 minutes!! I pushed it and crossed the line at 27:59!! And now the AG outcome:  there were 19 in my AG...I came in 6th. There was a quite a bit of some heavy competition ahead of me but I was very pleased as that was 25 seconds off my last race PR.  I felt very happy to have improved a bit.  So overall:  AG: 6th out of 19, Females: 126 out of 678, All entrants:  403 out of 1265! Happy race running today even though I didn't bring home some hardware!!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunrise running and musings.....

It has been 3 months since I wrote a blog! Quite a hiatus for me! September brought the start of teaching....and getting the year established took a bit of doing! I also had some ups and downs with getting back into the training mode.  Sometimes, life does get in the way no matter how dedicated and focused you may be. I had gotten back into a training rhythm since my summer injury and then family issues and other such things stood in the way of my running focus. Now I'm facing the 
'bad weather' syndrome.  It's not the cold that stands in my way; it is the rain, ice, and the dark.
But enough said with the negative....a very cool positive for me was my first ever sunrise run before work.  My coach has encouraged me countless times to just try it but I never did.  Well, last week for whatever reason on my 'long work day' I woke up at 5am (6am is my usual time) wide awake. Not sleepy or restless just awake! I thought I'll just be lazy and not get up. But as I lay there I calculated there was enough time to do a 2.5 mile easy run before my normal 6am wake up time.  I got my warm running clothes on, laced up my running shoes, did a few stretches and had a hydration drink.....and got out the door.  It was dark when I started my run around the neighborhood.  But as I ran, I would hear a car's auto-start crank on; then I saw a kitchen light come on, as I ran more I noticed a few room lights pop on as well.  It was the world in my neighborhood waking up. And, of course, the sun started peaking out above the houses. By the time I got back home there was the glow of the sunrise to take in.  Showered, dressed and had plenty of time to sit down to coffee, breakfast and the NY Times as well.  It was nice. I just may do another sunrise run long as there is no rain or ice or nor'easter on the horizon. The weather is definitely turning into winter. I have taken out the winter gear!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Racing at altitude in Colorado

Lucky me! I've got lots of family in Colorado and a daughter-in-law that is a runner.  I got to Denver on a Saturday morning and by Sunday morning I was lining up for my first race in 3 months since my hamstring injury and up at 7,200 feet altitude in Evergreen, Colorado.  I prepared for the altitude beforehand by a lot of proper hydration. Even though I have been to Colorado many many times before and was used to altitude I was anxious as this was my first "at altitude race." But, I was psyched for it.  Once I got to where the start was I did a slow mile of stretching and relaxed running, uphill and downhill. Breathing: not too bad. Heart rate: Up there and a bit of "pounding" but ok. Hamstring: feeling ok too!  The air was just so clear and fresh it was enjoyable to feel that fresh air.  I wore my arm sleeves to warm up and my hands were a bit cold but fine when tucked into the sleeves.  Before the race they were back in my bag. After summer running in New York's hot humid sticky weather this was a real treat!  Then it was start time. I was up in the front. It was much more relaxed even though this seemed to be quite a big race in Evergreen.  The race began. I took it easy and just got into a groove and tempo and just relaxed into the race.  There was one uphill where I was feeling a bit strained but I was happy and running. I was also able to talk to some women who were running at my pace.  Checked my watch time as there were no mile timers, and I was at 9:54 at mile 1.  I was satisfied considering my recovery and the altitude. The race course was full of beautiful scenery.  I was  starting to feel a bit fatigued and then I looked up and saw the finish line in sight so I stayed steady and did not slack off. I crossed the finish line at 31:11. Not my New York PR but it was now my Colorado PR. I was also even more satisfied when I saw the AG times....I came in 5th out of 35 other women! Whoa! That really made me feel good.  Of course, I was then thinking....hmmmmm maybe I could have pushed it a bit more! I definitely hope to do this race again! Fun times with my daughter-in-law...she came in 2nd in her AG.  Nice memories for both of us!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hamstring issues, a fall, blogging catch up and starting PT...and it's finally June!

Even though the rain in New York is unrelenting and feels like is mid June!
I have been quite neglectful in keeping up with this blog...but herein are my drafts of the past months put into one!

This winter proved challenging. Hunkering down in bad weather wishing I did not have to 'suit' up in my ninja-like gear to run my miles I finally think I see the light of the spring and summer running season beginning! Although this winter has not been the worst one for running, the constant putting on the layers to run has become tedious to say the least.  Don't get me wrong I really do prefer the cool weather than the heat and humidity of New York summers.  But I am truly looking forward to running with just a few less layers and enjoying some 'balmy' weather.   And lucky me, that's exactly what Saturday and Sunday were like! Saturday was a race day:  5K at a local state park.  I woke up to sunshine (unusual!!) and temperate weather.  No winter hat necessary! No winter top with a hood necessary either! And....I left the gloves in the car!! This was my second 5K of the new season. The first was last weekend and I'd call that my shake-out race.  I spent most of March getting over a winter cold and getting back to training.  I had not done a race since early December!!  Snow got in the way; personal commitments got in the way as well. I kept on running but at times I felt like on a never ending runway of work and running.  But spring has arrived and with it hopes for more pleasant weather and more relaxed running.

May 12th
A beautiful mother's day! My treat to myself was a wonderful relaxed 6 mile run. It was one of my really stellar runs. Not particularly fast just easy relaxed.....just cruising and happy to be outside and running.

May 14th
Out on scheduled run after work....1.5 miles in I decide to take a detour (I never turn at this corner....NEVER) So, then I make a right turn and BAM! down I went...tripped, fell and there I was on the ground.  Ripped my  favorite running tights, scraped hands, scraped knee...and as I start to get up...a badly pulled hamstring! So, I got up and hobbled 1.5 miles home, sore with every step I took. So bummed. So unhappy.  Wishing I hadn't taken that turn!  I immediately sat on ice....and was miserable....because I knew running would be off limits for awhile

May 15-June 9th
Started my own rehab immediately. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. A few visits with the chiropractor to re-align the body...ultrasound, massage etc.  About 2 weeks later, feeling better and I decide to run. I tried out running...5 walk/5 run...felt good no complaints...Hmmmm.... I decide I'll wait a day to see if anything pops up...and all systems seem "go."  But of course as I start out feeling great...I don't stop...and limit the running I keep running and then I hit 2 miles and I could feel my hamstring rearing its head and saying..."STOP." I called the ortho dr. and could not get an appointment until 6/10.   I stopped all the running again and continued another 2 weeks of RICE.
Fast forward to a few days ago I tried out running very gingerly but after 1/2 mile I knew I had to stop.

June 10th
Saw the doctor and the doctor said.....PT is where you need to go to strengthen my right hamstring and leg muscles to help rehab and then prevent these right leg injuries from happening.  Got a PT appointment with the same PT guy I saw 2 years ago.....stay tuned while I begin my get better and stronger and faster and run longer! YAY! Stayin' positive!

LI Marathon Races: 10K May 5

So…..I crushed my PR today by almost 6 minutes!! I was more than pleased with that!!  I learned a few racing things today as well.  If I do scope out my competition I should start closer to them.  If perhaps I was closer (or ahead) at the start…perhaps it would have helped…what do you think?  I was a bit nervous today but shook it off by lots of stretching and also warming up for about 1.5 miles.  It was a very ‘festive’ atmosphere.  I went out entirely too fast…but I wasn’t breathing extra hard and felt ok. I knew it was faster than usual but I wasn’t ‘sprinting.’  I developed a ‘stitch’ in my side at about mile 3 and was getting a bit concerned…it wasn’t bad but noticeable.  Then as I approached mile 4 it disappeared! Hmmmm….what causes them?  I got to mile 5 and that’s when my quads woke up and started to complain…LOL. But I tried to keep the hammer down and stay on pace.  I had been hoping to ‘pick people off’ but that wasn’t happening…they started passing me by the last ½ mile. Poo! Overall, I was more than pleased with my performance!
AG 2nd place  56:12.   91st out of 907 women who ran the race…. 298 out of 1523 overall!   I guess I will have to start learning more about racing strategies!
Thanks coach!  I did it because of your constant focus on my training! Oh…yeah and mine too!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Working on my running fitness...

February was a quite a month for running. I was averaging close to 15 miles a week in January and then February arrived, and so did my newest grandson and bad weather and a solidly packed over the top work schedule. It included a gazillion things to write up, too much time on the computer, meetings and a gallery opening for Mar 12th. What it added up to was a whole lot of stress and time otherwise spent on the road doing what And so, something had to give but just a little. I went from 15 to about 10 miles a week of running.  March 2nd I went for a really great run of 7 miles. I felt good and surprised myself that fatigue only set in a bit at the last 1/2 mile.  Unfortunately, something had to give with my stressful hectic schedule. I ended up with an awful cold and laryngitis. Awful! A few days in to this I thought, "I feel a bit better...better go out and run."  Big mistake.  I ended up getting worse! For the next week I became a couch potato. My coach send me a text with a only a big NO. As in no running. It was hard to just sit; and of course go to work and see many runners taking advantage of some rare beautiful weather.  After a cold snap we finally got some warmer termps. It took at least 10 days before I put on my running shoes and headed out on the road again. The whole time I sat on the coach I thought about whether I would keep my fitness; would I lose a lot of the momentum I had built or loose a lot while I was sidelined. Finally on 2nd Thursday of March I got out and ran a few miles. Of course, that day the weather took a dive and the temps were at a wind chill of about 26 degrees! Wind in my face the whole time did not deter me. Of course the first 1/2 mile was a bit torturous. My breathing was off and I was feeling chilly. No matter; by 1 mile in I was feeling good. Checked my watch and discovered I was running at a much faster maintenance pace than I usually run.  By the next morning, I was hurting a bit. Oh No!! My fitness was in trouble??? My coach allayed my fears and assured me it was just feeling achy on my first run after being sick. By the end of that next day, I was back on the road once more for another 3+ miles.  I surprised myself, once again, my time was a bit slower than the day before but still a bit faster than usual.  Feeling good that I'm working on my fitness.  Sometimes you have this apprehension; Will I be able to run the distance? Saturday was a rest day. So glad because it snowed! Today was my long run.  It was a pretty good run after I warmed up because the wind was in my face making me chilly.  It was my first long run in 2 weeks and I  felt pretty good considering I have not run much in 2 weeks.  For me, fitness is an interesting thing.....once you've established it if you fall off for a short while you can get right back again.  A little tired, but 5 miles was certainly doable. Well, the week is about to begin again and so you know you'll find me working on my running fitness once again!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Freezing Temperatures: Feels lIke 2 degrees

The mercury in New York has taken a nose dive. The sub freezing temperatures together with the wind equal low single digit temperatures. Cold enough to make the seasoned runner once or twice before heading outside for a run. In the 3+ years that I have been running this recent cold snap is the coldest I have ever run outside. First step is being properly dressed for the extreme cold. I had winter tights, thermal base layer top, dri-fit top, winter pull over with hood, winter mittens with fleece liners, winter running hat, and a fleece pullover 'neck warmer.' I really thought this was a ridiculous amount of layers even for me! But, I was not taking any chances since I hate being cold; but not as much as running in hot, humid weather. Suited up and ready...LOL..had to take the gloves off twice to put my ear-pods in...and then put on my watch! And then, one glance at the outside thermometer and I was off. Day 1: 27 degrees Real feel 6 degrees.... I was really cold. My nose was especially feeling the wind bite and breathing in was not so easy. That was on the way out...on the way back I was thinking, "OK, that's not so bad. I even feel a little over heated!"   Day 2  17 degrees: real feel 2 degrees...I could not get to 4 miles I was really feeling the cold! Day 3  20 degrees: real feel 7 degrees. Since I only had 2.5 on the schedule it wasn't so bad to run except for the fact that it snowed last night and the streets were pretty covered with snow and ice, so I had to take it a bit slower. It's amazing how I used never even want to venture outside for any reason and now I go out in sub freezing single digit temperatures and run miles. It's a good thing being open to change in your life, it opens up new adventures! I still like the fall and spring better! LOL

Thursday, January 10, 2013


This is my first post since the end of November. The last race that I ran was the December 15th HoHoHo 5k. Respectable time for sure...27:06, but a 2 second...3rd place loss for me. I have to say I was not happy with myself over that loss! 2 seconds! Did you ever time 2 seconds? Seems short, unless you are running a race and the 'gas tank' is totally empty. I was ahead for a long time. I saw her come up and fall back. I stayed steady but did not increase at all. Then she came up next to me and in the last 2 seconds blazed past. It seems in my AG all the top runners are just seconds apart. It also seems I should have dug deeper for some extra energy.

So the holidays came and they are gone and it is now 2013. I have figure out what my new racing goals are for this year.  Teaching has become an all encompassing event more so than ever in the last 20 years. And that compiled with a very happy event on the horizon: the birth of our newest grandson about to happen and my father's possible move, I am not so focused on racing. Life events have nudged out racing a bit. Not altogether, just put it a bit further down on the priority list. Training this week has become quite a challenge. In the midst of the 'in' box at work increasing and juggling life's challenges I must learn to be patient with running.  I promised myself when I started it would never become a job or something I was forced to do. Run with happiness and the joy of it,  is what I strive to maintain. Although running was on the schedule for did not happen. I have learned to just take a step back and just be one with the fact that I did not run. I think runners can appreciate that we have conditioned ourselves to run. To run on a regular basis. To not run throws things out of kilter and creates a sort of imbalance in our lives. But one needs to also learn to accept that things happen and sometimes the training just does not happen.   I think that yoga has given me that ability to relax and breathe; to know not everything needs to be accomplished; other things are meant to happen instead. Finding that peace I think will also make me a better runner and will help me focus the next time. What makes me a winner? Every time I tie my running shoes and go out for a run. YAY!