Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Racing at altitude in Colorado

Lucky me! I've got lots of family in Colorado and a daughter-in-law that is a runner.  I got to Denver on a Saturday morning and by Sunday morning I was lining up for my first race in 3 months since my hamstring injury and up at 7,200 feet altitude in Evergreen, Colorado.  I prepared for the altitude beforehand by a lot of proper hydration. Even though I have been to Colorado many many times before and was used to altitude I was anxious as this was my first "at altitude race." But, I was psyched for it.  Once I got to where the start was I did a slow mile of stretching and relaxed running, uphill and downhill. Breathing: not too bad. Heart rate: Up there and a bit of "pounding" but ok. Hamstring: feeling ok too!  The air was just so clear and fresh it was enjoyable to feel that fresh air.  I wore my arm sleeves to warm up and my hands were a bit cold but fine when tucked into the sleeves.  Before the race they were back in my bag. After summer running in New York's hot humid sticky weather this was a real treat!  Then it was start time. I was up in the front. It was much more relaxed even though this seemed to be quite a big race in Evergreen.  The race began. I took it easy and just got into a groove and tempo and just relaxed into the race.  There was one uphill where I was feeling a bit strained but I was happy and running. I was also able to talk to some women who were running at my pace.  Checked my watch time as there were no mile timers, and I was at 9:54 at mile 1.  I was satisfied considering my recovery and the altitude. The race course was full of beautiful scenery.  I was  starting to feel a bit fatigued and then I looked up and saw the finish line in sight so I stayed steady and did not slack off. I crossed the finish line at 31:11. Not my New York PR but it was now my Colorado PR. I was also even more satisfied when I saw the AG times....I came in 5th out of 35 other women! Whoa! That really made me feel good.  Of course, I was then thinking....hmmmmm maybe I could have pushed it a bit more! I definitely hope to do this race again! Fun times with my daughter-in-law...she came in 2nd in her AG.  Nice memories for both of us!

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