I has been a long wait to get on the road again; running. The last time I ran was back in November. Then became the arduous PT and the road to repairing a hip injury. But, after 2 months of PT and consistent and persistence, I finally went running outside on Friday and again on Sunday! I thought I was a patient person but this was long. I imagine it is probably a short recovery to some runners. I am glad that I absolutely listened to what the PT said I should and should not do. I diligently waited for recovery. It has been a long time, for me, to be with out my stress reliever, exercise, and healthy outlet: running. Funny, but if I had read this a mere 2 years ago I would have thought I was crazy! What me run? For more than a minute? Around the block was equivalent to a marathon!
So, on Friday because of no access to the preferred treadmill (the PT wanted me to use but was not opposed to the road altogether) I decided it was time to get outside. The weather cooperated for once in New York. It was actually sunny (sunglasses required) and a very warm 40 degrees!! Good thing I did not overdress. (yes, coach, I really did dress properly) I did patiently did all 3 stretches...which is about 10+ minutes....then a 5 minute warm up walk.....and then a 20 minute run. But this first run was fraught with some issues. The PT said to take it slow....so I kept trying to adjust my stride and pace to what I thought was slow. Not a good idea. My hip started to get funky and I was really not totally comfortable. But no really big issues and I completed the workout. The next day I was sore. Sore in the hip, sore in the quads and sore in my calves. Ugh!
Saturday, I took the day off to recover. By Sunday, another really nice day in New York, I was ready to get outside and run again. This time I decided to just go easy but run my comfortable stride and pace. Everything felt a whole lot better! I really felt like I could have run longer but resisted the temptation in lieu of keeping my recovery on the right track. Good news.....today I feel fine even after a really tough yoga session tonight. Tuesday, I will do a power walk with my running partner as we both work back to our past running workouts. Wednesday will bring me up to my next to last PT session. I am looking forward to it but finally see how I have truly recovered and will be released out on the road, running.
Just like all runners, I assume, we are cranky about getting out there...but once we've finished a run, we remember how much we love the achieved endorphins, the freedom of just running and the stress that just seems to disappear as we put one foot in front of another.
Great write up! Being sore after time off from running is a given. If the PT was successful you will come back stronger than before. Great job!