Saturday, January 29, 2011

Quick PT Update

This was the best week at PT! After a week fraught with frozen pipes, being inundated with tons of snow and feeling like I've been hibernating like a bear I finally got to PT on Wednesday. No stim or heat packs...I got right on the elliptical as my warm up! About 15 minutes of that at a nice pace and it was on to stretching my muscles. With that complete, I hit the treadmill for 3 minutes walk, 5 minute run, 2 minute walk and 15 run...YES...and 3 walk. I know it was cardio because I was sweating! Then it was on to a bunch of quad and calf strengthening exercises....and a massage and ice. Yes! It was a great workout and I felt so good after I was done. Although, next time I'll wear shorts! My PT said we should be closing in on a half an hour very soon! And today my hip feels just fine! I only have 3 more PT sessions until I can pick up the pace and start a training schedule once again. It has been over 2 months since my last run on the pavement which is now covered with snow and ice! But that's another story.........

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hiking in the Snow

Stillwell Trails
He is probably correct; if my son did not ask me to hike the Stillwell trail during a snowstorm, albeit a light one, I would not have gone. As a matter of fact, although I have lived close by for more than 5 decades I have never been there. It truly is a small hidden treasure on our overpopulated highly congested island. Off a main road next to a shopping mall is a non descriptive, basically unmarked parking lot, where the trail head begins. As you begin the hike the roar of traffic is present, but the further you go into the woods it disappears behind you. And then it is quiet with only the wind and crunch of snow and ice beneath your feet. Along the way were beautiful boughs of branches dusted with snow. It looked postcard perfect. And the presence of other hikers were no where in sight. There is a spot where civilization reappears and you cross a road (on which no one will stop at the crosswalk for you) to begin the 2nd half of the trail. On the way back, my son noted an imprint of a sneaker in the snow. Gauging by the imprint and the length of stride, a runner had recently been on the trail. We also saw a dog's paw print but did not see or hear any animals. We hiked about one and a half hours out and back. It's not the Colorado Rockies; not even close, but it's what we have close to home. I'm glad we went. I truly enjoyed it! Another activity I've enjoyed while I'm waiting to be cleared for running. Perhaps, I will have to try and run the trail this spring when the snow and ice are gone and I'm back on the running track again.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Remaining optimistic !

I have decided to add in blogging to my athletic routine so to help me remain optimistic about returning to running soon.  This week I did a dumb someone who now needs cardio as part of my daily brushing my  teeth LOL....yes Adam you are reading this correctly......
I decided to jump rope.  Well, it wasn't running I just forgot about the impact part....the next day my hip told me how dumb I was to do that!! Good news is that the ache only lasted for a day. PT this week went really well....I got to do 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes running in place on a trampoline. The trainer also noted to me that it is great core work as well. I actually think I began to break a sweat. Next week I get to try out the treadmill....can't believe that I 'm excited about that! Of course I have to see what my hip thinks about all this exercise....tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011....Yeah! It's a New Year!!

Today starts a brand new year! 2011! I'm looking forward to a renewal of running and cardio and hoping I will keep my new year's resolution of going swimming. This year has started with an improvement of my hip and piriformis muscle overuse. 
I only have 3 more PT sessions left. After that, I am looking forward to when the PT says......1 easy mile to start. Updates will follow at the end of the week after PT!