Saturday, June 16, 2012

5K Wins in June!!

Coming off the excitement of my first half marathon, I was ready planning a race schedule for June. Even though this June is particularly busy.....end of school, meetings, events, parties, graduation, nad my son's wedding, I was ready to plan a few race events in there somehow.  First up was the 5K Aids and Cancer Run in Wantagh's Cedar Creek.  It is a flat boring course which is basically 2x around the road in the park. I really did find it boring but set out to meet or beat my PR. It did not quite happen...but almost. My time was:  27:41. I couldn't believe I could not run 7 seconds faster to beat my PR. Oh matter... I got FIRST PLACE!!  It wasn't a huge race, about 250 in attendance. But it was first time winning first place! YAY! I won a trophy and a restaurant gift certificate. Funny thing, I was never competitive; I always made a point of saying that...but it is nice to win!!! 
Second race this month was on Thursday, June 14th. The Long Island Police Appreciation 5K.  The course was more interesting as it ran the route through the park which has lots of twists and turns and was also a bit muddy because of the rain in the past week. I tried to hold back a bit the first mile; my mile split was 8:45. Not really slower than the last race. The second mile I tried...really I pick it up a bit. Seemed the 2 miles split was about the same, may be a tiny bit faster. I kept pushing it to try and come close to my PR but I was feeling like I had to really dig deep to keep it up.  I passed the 3 mile marker at about 27 minutes. The final time: 28:00. Not bad... :) That got me 2nd place and a nice plaque. And the next best thing was they had massage therapist which helped my hamstrings after the race!! Move those trap trophies over Glenn...I've got a few race trophies for the showcase! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Correction! Your ran 27:41 not 28:41. Keep up the good work!!!
