Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gotta get a plan

Yes, it really is May. I can't believe for 2 months I've had trouble posting in the right month just once!  May 1st was my 2nd ever 10k race. Even though my coach says,"ok..get over it" it still is a big deal for me that I ran it.......and ran it well. I was 9th out of 31 in my age group, and 688 out of 1,260 people in the race. Not too shabby especially since this was my first race after 3 months of PT for my piriformis muscle. The continuing training since the race has been sort of sporadic. I haven't run any long distances but more or less 2 or 3 mile runs. This past week was the not great; and I'm not really sure why. Last Tuesday my usual 2+ mile easy run was awful. After about 1.5 miles Marlena got a stitch and my legs felt like lead weights were attached to my ankles!! Finally, we both looked at each other and simultaneously said.....let's walk. I guess some days you just chalk it up and plan for a better run. And that run was yesterday! I needed to prep my room for a AU  visit on Monday. But, the dog needed to be walked home I went. I decided I'd better put on my running gear before I went back to school;  no matter how long I was going to be at school, I was determined to get a run in that day. It was 5:45pm.  I told myself: ok.....2 miles for sure and then see how you feel.....I felt great and was cruising. I ran about 3.5 miles and cut my pace down to 10:30 from the usual 11:15 or 11:30.  It didn't even matter that I ate dinner at 8:30pm it was a really enjoyable run. I definitely was a happy runner on Friday. Of course, the weather for tomorrow, Sunday looks dismal..... thundershowers all day.  No matter, we will see how it goes. Since after the 10k, nothing felt great about any of the runs I had done; I just feel so much better now about my training. 
So, are you there coach? Next up for training? Gotta get a plan! 

Monday, May 2, 2011


April, is the first month I did not write a post! But, nevertheless I will do it now, in May.
April was not a particularly nice weather month. Cold, chilly, and lots of rain. At least one week of it was spent in Denver, Colorado where it was certainly warmer than New York. I tried to keep up with the miles this month, but the weather was a big factor. (Note to coach: no matter what torrential downpours are not for running) Even with that said, I racked up about 39 miles so I'm not disappointed at all. Running in Colorado was great. I was surprised that I acclimated so well so fast. In the past, it would take a day or two just be able to climb the stairs in my sister's house. This time, on the second day, I ran about 3 miles, and not too breathlessly. The fact that it was warm was even sweeter. Once I got home it was right back to work and some how got the energy to run on Thursday even after getting home later than I had planned. I was determined to get 4 miles in as preparation for the 10k race on Sunday. So stay tuned for the next installment:  LI Festival of Races 10K and the race day report!