Monday, June 10, 2013

Hamstring issues, a fall, blogging catch up and starting PT...and it's finally June!

Even though the rain in New York is unrelenting and feels like is mid June!
I have been quite neglectful in keeping up with this blog...but herein are my drafts of the past months put into one!

This winter proved challenging. Hunkering down in bad weather wishing I did not have to 'suit' up in my ninja-like gear to run my miles I finally think I see the light of the spring and summer running season beginning! Although this winter has not been the worst one for running, the constant putting on the layers to run has become tedious to say the least.  Don't get me wrong I really do prefer the cool weather than the heat and humidity of New York summers.  But I am truly looking forward to running with just a few less layers and enjoying some 'balmy' weather.   And lucky me, that's exactly what Saturday and Sunday were like! Saturday was a race day:  5K at a local state park.  I woke up to sunshine (unusual!!) and temperate weather.  No winter hat necessary! No winter top with a hood necessary either! And....I left the gloves in the car!! This was my second 5K of the new season. The first was last weekend and I'd call that my shake-out race.  I spent most of March getting over a winter cold and getting back to training.  I had not done a race since early December!!  Snow got in the way; personal commitments got in the way as well. I kept on running but at times I felt like on a never ending runway of work and running.  But spring has arrived and with it hopes for more pleasant weather and more relaxed running.

May 12th
A beautiful mother's day! My treat to myself was a wonderful relaxed 6 mile run. It was one of my really stellar runs. Not particularly fast just easy relaxed.....just cruising and happy to be outside and running.

May 14th
Out on scheduled run after work....1.5 miles in I decide to take a detour (I never turn at this corner....NEVER) So, then I make a right turn and BAM! down I went...tripped, fell and there I was on the ground.  Ripped my  favorite running tights, scraped hands, scraped knee...and as I start to get up...a badly pulled hamstring! So, I got up and hobbled 1.5 miles home, sore with every step I took. So bummed. So unhappy.  Wishing I hadn't taken that turn!  I immediately sat on ice....and was miserable....because I knew running would be off limits for awhile

May 15-June 9th
Started my own rehab immediately. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. A few visits with the chiropractor to re-align the body...ultrasound, massage etc.  About 2 weeks later, feeling better and I decide to run. I tried out running...5 walk/5 run...felt good no complaints...Hmmmm.... I decide I'll wait a day to see if anything pops up...and all systems seem "go."  But of course as I start out feeling great...I don't stop...and limit the running I keep running and then I hit 2 miles and I could feel my hamstring rearing its head and saying..."STOP." I called the ortho dr. and could not get an appointment until 6/10.   I stopped all the running again and continued another 2 weeks of RICE.
Fast forward to a few days ago I tried out running very gingerly but after 1/2 mile I knew I had to stop.

June 10th
Saw the doctor and the doctor said.....PT is where you need to go to strengthen my right hamstring and leg muscles to help rehab and then prevent these right leg injuries from happening.  Got a PT appointment with the same PT guy I saw 2 years ago.....stay tuned while I begin my get better and stronger and faster and run longer! YAY! Stayin' positive!

LI Marathon Races: 10K May 5

So…..I crushed my PR today by almost 6 minutes!! I was more than pleased with that!!  I learned a few racing things today as well.  If I do scope out my competition I should start closer to them.  If perhaps I was closer (or ahead) at the start…perhaps it would have helped…what do you think?  I was a bit nervous today but shook it off by lots of stretching and also warming up for about 1.5 miles.  It was a very ‘festive’ atmosphere.  I went out entirely too fast…but I wasn’t breathing extra hard and felt ok. I knew it was faster than usual but I wasn’t ‘sprinting.’  I developed a ‘stitch’ in my side at about mile 3 and was getting a bit concerned…it wasn’t bad but noticeable.  Then as I approached mile 4 it disappeared! Hmmmm….what causes them?  I got to mile 5 and that’s when my quads woke up and started to complain…LOL. But I tried to keep the hammer down and stay on pace.  I had been hoping to ‘pick people off’ but that wasn’t happening…they started passing me by the last ½ mile. Poo! Overall, I was more than pleased with my performance!
AG 2nd place  56:12.   91st out of 907 women who ran the race…. 298 out of 1523 overall!   I guess I will have to start learning more about racing strategies!
Thanks coach!  I did it because of your constant focus on my training! Oh…yeah and mine too!