Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Half Marathon....My first!!

Sunday, May 6th was my first half marathon.after training for 25 weeks. 25 weeks ago, that is when I got really serious about it. I told my coach, my son, that I was ready to take on the goal of running 13.1 miles.   I knew if I was going to do it that I would have to give it up to my coach and really really listen to him since I would not have a clue as to how to train. It was a long hard 25 weeks. I not only learned how to work hard at running but how you can rearrange a very busy life with many commitments to include lots of miles on the road. I ran through all types of weather. I did draw the line at bad rain, or icy conditions.  But it seemed that for the most part I got the miles required in every week.  
So all of a sudden it seemed, about one week ago I was at my last week of training before the half marathon.  I felt confident albeit nervous or rather apprehensive about the logistical part of the race.
What should I wear, eat for breakfast, when to wake up, omg...i'll probably have to stop during the race and use a porta-john...what if I feel like I have to walk....no in my head that was not an option. My goal was no matter what to finish this race running across the finish line!!
Finally it was Saturday, the day before my big race!! I went out for a morning 2 mile run in cold damp weather which ended up turning into rain. Yuck! I felt really good but yuck...rain! Perhaps if it was warm I probably would not have minded it so much.  So finally it was the night before the race. I ate my obligatory pasta dinner stretched a bit and got to sleep early. 
Race day!! I woke up at about 5:30am.  I wanted to plan a nice relaxing morning with no rushing around whatsoever.  I took a hot shower to warm up my muscles and then had a small breakfast of an english muffin and gatorade.  Perfect! At 7am my husband, Glenn drove me near to the start line so I only had to walk about 1/2 mile to the where the race began.  There were hundreds of runners cuing up...stretching, at the porta-johns, running, jumping and even someone doing tai chi and someone doing some yoga moves.  I was glad that I only had about 1/2 hour to race time because I really really just wanted to get this party started already!!
And then it began.....with fireworks as we crossed the start! I think everyone lost a few seconds looking up at the cool fireworks they set off for us.  The first part was within the road that encircled Mitchell field and surrounding office buildings. Honestly, this was the worst part. It was endless it seemed.  I set my mind on this part being a warm-up and that the 'real' part of the race would begin on Merrick Ave. when we left the area. I enjoyed the laughter and jokes by some other runners who definitely kept me entertained on this boring part.  Finally, we were out this area and on to the road. We were met with a lot of cheering folks. I tried to just get into my own rhythm and pace. Then I just seemed to get into 'cruise' and was feeling just fine.  Not much of any crowds through Westbury but there were 2 small hills. No problem. Those did not seem to bother me much.  The bands I passed (2) were not playing my kind of running music so I was glad I had my headphones on.
And soon we were turning on to Jericho Tpke. Something that I was dreading for some reason. I keep thinking....oh no...it will be long and never ending.  Soon I was approaching the 10k mark and was ready for a snack of gummies and a drink.  I noticed my time was about 1:02 and I was pleased with my progress at that point.  It even included a high five to priest who was standing on the side congratulating everyone that passed him. It helped keep the mind occupied as the body was cruising.  Along the way I also saw a coach from WTCHS on the side! Before I knew it......we were making the turn on to Brush Hollow Rd. heading toward 9 miles!! Passed a blues band.....and then we were on the Wantagh Parkway!!
I was still doing ok not feeling too tired...just a bit.  As we entered the parkway though I noticed the sign ....1/2 mile to Old Country Rd. and  the big hill that in decades of driving I never ever noticed before. It looked really big!! I was thinking how am I going to get up THAT hill!! But climb it I did trying to keep my pace steady however, as we got closer to the exit it seemed to get harder. But I persevered....and as I approached the 10 mile marker I was feeling ok again. 
Next, we turned on to Carmen Ave. There were certainly more spectators as we got closer to the park.  But at around mile 11 my knees felt funky and not too happy...and my hip was getting annoyed! But I was not about to give in to these little annoyances. I had come so far and come hell or high water I was going to finish running this race across the finish line!!  It helped having more cheering people and a group of WTCHS kids in the mix to keep the spirits up.  We wound our way through Eisenhower Park and soon I could hear the crowds and the announcer and knew just around the bend was the finish of what I started training for 25 weeks ago.  And then there it was the finish line right in front of me....I saw the timer and tried to put on a little push. And then.....it was over. I had accomplished my goal! Medal on my neck....water in my hand...with the space blanket on my shoulders. YAY!!! I did it!! It was such an incredible moment for me. It was absolutely stellar knowing I accomplished 13.1 miles, my first half marthon!!! 
Hmmmmmm.....maybe there is another one in my furture!