I thought I'd better get a short blog in today.....as it IS the last day of the month. I truly am trying to keep up with my goal of one blog a month. Running has been great.....up until yesterday. Got up early...7am... to run...but 1.5 miles in my leg got a cramp...my foot also!! I just stopped and started to walk...felt better and then after about 5 or 6 minutes ran the rest of the way home...LOL that was only about 1/2 mile.
I think it was a combo of not enough hydration for an extremely hot, humid morning. Running in the summer....when it is humid is awful. So, I'm taking off 2 days to rest and recover to get ready for perhaps a nice easy long run on Saturday or Sunday. I also pulled a muscle in my shoulder trying to coax a big bag of mulch into the car! Not so smart of me! Other than yesterday, my runs have been really nice and relaxed, albiet, a bit hot and sweaty!! Duh...it is summer. I plan a route by every available sprinkler! I find it amazing how the sweat just pours out of runners AFTER they stop running. So...the plan for July is to find a race or 2 and enjoy the runs! Oh! And hope for some less humid mornings!